Crown Heights United Methodist Church has been sharing God’s love in the heart of Oklahoma City since 1929. We are proud to be part of a vital and diverse neighborhood with a promising future.
We are a community of Christians who recognize that we are all on a spiritual journey. As we worship, study, pray, and serve together, our faith is stretched and encouraged. We welcome all to our worship services, study opportunities, mission outreach events, and music program, indeed, to all our varied activities.
In May of 2019, we became a Reconciling Church, meaning we are intentional about our welcome to LGBTQ people. We also commit ourselves to working within the United Methodist Church for full inclusion.
This is our church’s Inclusivity Statement, adopted by the whole congregation in May of 2019:
- Crown Heights United Methodist Church is dedicated to personifying inclusion and equality for ALL children of God. We welcome people of every sexual orientation, gender identity, age, race, class, nationality, and mental or physical ability to be in ministry with us. We want our community to recognize Crown Heights as a safe haven where all people are welcomed, affirmed, loved, and supported by the members of our congregation. We call our church members to be the extended hand of God.
Our Sunday Schedule:
8:30 am– Sanctuary Worship with weekly communion, nursery available
9:45- 10:45 am– Sunday School
11 am– Sanctuary Worship, more family friendly, children can go to Children’s Church after the Children’s Moment
We are all searching for ways to serve God and our community. At Crown Heights UMC, we will work to provide worship, spiritual growth, missional opportunities, and connection to ALL our people. We offer in-person options for worship and lectures, and we will Livestream worship on Facebook and post videos so everyone can find ways to participate.
Meet Our Pastor
Reverend Trina Bose North
In June 2016, we welcomed Rev. Trina Bose North to Crown Heights UMC. Serving this church has been a joy for Trina and her family (husband Justin and children Carter, Nathan, and Maya).
She met her husband, Justin North, at Oklahoma City University, and they married in 1999. Justin is a radiologist at the University of Oklahoma’s Health Science Center. They have three beautiful children. Carter and Nathan graduated and are pursuing higher education, and Maya is a 9th grader. Most Sundays after church, they enjoy stopping at Torchey’s Tacos or Tucker’s for lunch. They love for church people to join them. It’s a great way to get to know people.
Professional Background
Trina is a lifelong United Methodist and felt called to serve this church since she was a teenager. Trina grew up in San Diego, California, attending First UMC of San Diego. As she graduated from high school, she wanted to go out of state for school and found her perfect match at Oklahoma City University. She studied religion, with a minor in women’s studies. After college Trina went to seminary at Candler School of Theology in Atlanta, Georgia. Trina was ordained an elder in the United Methodist Church in 2008. She has served two churches, Leonard UMC and Cashion UMC, and worked for Volunteers in Mission at the Conference Office.
Calling in Life
Trina sees her life’s calling in the words of Micah 6:8, What does the Lord require of you? To seek justice and love kindness and walk humbly with your God. This is her challenge everyday, and as your pastor, her task is to help each member of the congregation more fully live into justice, kindness, and a deeper relationship with God.
You may contact Pastor North here.